The Episcopal Church organized an Order for women in 1885, the Daughters of the King (DOK). Those seeking to join the Order pledge to dedicate themselves to a lifelong commitment to prayer, service and personal evangelism. Chapters are organized within missions and parishes with the consent of priests, chaplains or bishops.
For more information: DOK National Order
Many women in the church are already doing God's work both at St. Martin's and in the community as a whole. Forming a chapter connects our efforts under a unified umbrella of prayer and support. DOKs commit themselves to pray daily for the spread of Christ's Kingdom, the blessing of God upon fellow members, and for spiritual growth of the parish. Through the Rule of Service, DOKs commit themselves to participate in regular worship, work, and study of the Church. DOKs also commit themselves to undertake a personal program of evangelism by working to bring others to Christ through Confirmation and Baptism; and strive to help the clergy in expanding the spiritual growth of the parish. By sharing our love for Christ and joy for a Christian life, we are able to open the doors of Christ's love to others.
Please give prayerful consideration to joining this Order as a ministry. By doing so we galvanize what so many do in terms of service for others at St. Martin's, whether it be through the serving with the Altar Guild, social events, education of our children, choir, greeting newcomers, pastoral care work, Bible study groups, or other ministries. The sole requirement for membership in the Order is that those seeking membership be communicants in good standing of the Episcopal Church. It should be stressed that this Order is not just for the 'exceptionally good or the exceptionally pious' among us, as we are all works in progress. It's for women wishing to serve, where we are in our walk with the Lord.
A decision to join the Order can be made at any time prior to, during, or after a 12-meeting training period. Upon joining, you will receive a silver Greek cross with the letters FHS (For His Sake - for whom members prayers, service and evangelism are done) engraved on it. The cross or pin is worn at all times by members. There are also Latin words inscribed on the cross that translated, read: 'With lofty heart, mind and spirit uphold the Cross.'