The 2025 Pledge theme is taken from Matthew 25:35, “for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” While we have always taught congregations the importance of storytelling as a tangible way to talk about ministries within their community – this theme offers the opportunity to explicitly focus on ways in which congregations have fed the hungry and helped the stranger.
Pledging or giving back to St. Martin de Porres Episcopal Church allows us to further God's work and meet opportunities for worship, discipleship, fellowship, ministry, mission and outreach. We are truly grateful for your pledges. Your pledge helps us to determine the annual budget to pay for our rector's salary and operating expenses. With your pledge, we can support our ministries. You can give annually, monthly, weekly or when you can. We understand when circumstances change and you cannot give as planned, that is okay. To enter your pledge online, you will need a REALM account. If you do not have a REALM account, please contact the church office so someone can help you set up your account or we can enter the pledge for you. You do NOT need to use online giving, you can continue to submit your check or cash to the church each Sunday. We will apply your gift to your pledge.
Planned Giving allows you to leave a gift to St. Martin de Porres Episcopal Church in your wills or through estate planning.
Pledges are gifts used for annual operating expenses and are usually fulfilled weekly, monthly, or annually. Your pledge, however large or small, keeps our doors and hearts open and our many ministries and outreach efforts alive. We invite you to prayfully consider pledging to the operations of our parish.
Your one-time can help pay down the principle payment on our mortgage. Or, make an additional gift towards our capital projects (HVAC, building repairs, etc.).
Planned Giving gifts can be invested with the Diocese of Virginia's Investment Trust and the interest is used for operating costs.
The Gifts and Endowment Policy was revamped to support St. Martin de Porres click here.
If you have any questions, please contact the church office.
Below are the links to the Diocese website for planned giving.
A beneficiary designation gift is a simple and affordable way to make a gift to support St. Mark's. You can designate us as a beneficiary of a retirement, investment or bank account or your life insurance policy. For more information see the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia page for Beneficiary Designated Gifts.
If you are 70½ or older, you may be interested in a way to lower the income and taxes from your IRA withdrawals. With an IRA charitable rollover, you can benefit yourself and help us continue our mission. To learn how, see the Episcopal Diocese of Virgina page for IRA Charitable Rollover.
What are the benefits of making a bequest? More information is at the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia page for Wills & Bequests.