This policy conforms to the Federal, Commonwealth of Virginia and Fairfax County laws, and the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia’s policy.
This policy provides rules and guidelines about the appropriate use of St Martin de Porres Episcopal Church (St. Martin’s) equipment and Internet access. This internet policy is in support of the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia’s Guidelines for Social Media and Digital Communication.
This policy is in support of the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia Safe Church Guidelines and model policies identified under the Episcopal Church's Safe Church Policy. All staff and volunteers who work around children, or administer programs that include children, are required to be trained in the prevention of sexual abuse and misconduct.
St. Martin de Porres Episcopal Church (St. Martin) commits to a tobacco-free church grounds policy for the overall health and welfare of its members.
This policy will provide information to help the parishioner be aware of scams and phishing techniques used by scammers.
Additional information is provided to explain the types of security protocols used by the ACS Technologies Group to ensure the data placed in Realm remains secure. The Realm model used by St. Martin is called Invite+Realm Account SignUp Request. You must be invited to sign up in REALM. If you request a Realm Account, only the administrator can approve or deny your access.
The St. Martin de Porres Episcopal Church (St. Martin’s) community believes God has made each of us a steward over what God has given us. To promote the faithful stewardship of all of God’s property, we have established a policy to guide and direct the giving of gifts and endowments to this parish.