from the Episcopal Baptismal Covenant:

Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself? I will, with God’s help.

Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being? I will, with God’s help.

We would love for you to be part of what we are doing to make the world

God entrusted to us, a better place for all.

This ministry addresses Voting, Education, Racial Healing & Reconciliation, Criminal Justice Reform, LGBTQ+, Economic and Environmental concerns.

Our church supports “Becoming Beloved Community”, which is the Episcopal Church’s work toward racial reconciliation, healing and justice, guided by the long-term commitment to Becoming Beloved Community.

To read more about the Beloved Community, please visit

Economic Concerns: Housing in Fairfax County

Having an affordable home means you have enough income to pay your housing expenses and still have enough money left over to provide for your basic needs like food, clothing and medical care. Ideally your housing expenses should not exceed 30% of your income.  To learn more about what affordable housing is, watch these videos from the Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance.

Fairfax County  has a lack of affordable housing.  To help remedy this shortage, the Board of Supervisors has set a goal of 10,000 more affordable housing units by 2034 in every district of the county.  Utilizing publicly owned land for this housing leads to further savings.   There is an affordable housing project proposed for the Franconia Governmental Center which is scheduled to relocate to a new location in Kingstowne by 2025.   Read more here:

If you would like to advocate for this affordable housing project, please visit: to sign up for email alerts.

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