In the Episcopal Church, a person can be baptized at any age. For adults and older children, they make promises on their own behalf. If an infant or younger child is presented for baptism, parents and godparents make the promises for them.
A person who has already been baptized in name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in another Christian community does not need to be baptized again when they join an Episcopal church.
Baptisms are part of the regular Sunday service. We especially offer them on certain days designated by the church such as the first or second Sunday in January to coincide with the baptism of Jesus, the Sunday nearest November 1, which is All Saints Day.
Parents may choose godparents who are friends or family as long as one of them is a baptized Christian. Godparents should be on their own faith journey and actively participating in a church community. They may help the baptized child live a life in Christ by praying for them, talking with them about their own journey, encouraging their godchild to learn more about the faith, and how to follow Christ in their life.
Click here for Baptism Planning Guidelines.
In Preparation for the baptism, the information form may be filled out and will be used for the baptism certificate.
contact the church for more information.
While Baptism welcomes us to the Christian family, Confirmation is an opportunity for anyone baptized as a baby to make an adult profession of faith. Usually, Confirmation is for those baptized as infants and who wish to commit themselves to Christ and renew their baptismal vows.
Reception and Reaffirmation are for those who were baptized as adults or in other denominations and now wish to renew their baptismal vows.
Service information can be found in the online Book of Common Prayer, just click here. Our rector helps to orient adults and young people to the Episcopal Church and prepare them for Reception and Confirmation.
contact the church regarding the class schedule.
Please contact the church to discuss the specific requirements for a Christian marriage. The clergy will be able to discuss what is involved. Marriage following a divorce requires the Bishop of Virginia’s approval for the rector to officiate.
For guidelines and more, please
visit the Wedding Customary Guidelines on the Church Policy page.
The death of a member of the church should be reported to the clergy as soon as possible and someone will meet with you to plan the service according to the needs of the family and the wishes of the deceased (if known). Click here for Funeral Planning Guidelines and click here for the Funeral Plan (Fillable).
The Book of Common Prayer provides for a short devotional service on the night before the funeral which is listed under Ministration at the Time of Death. This usually takes place in the funeral home and is a fitting time for more personal, informal reminiscing, and for the last farewell to the physical remains.
The Episcopal Church has no objection to cremation. The Committal of the body or the ashes is a part of the funeral rites of the Church and can take place following the service.
contact the church
to schedule a time.