Each year, our elected vestry members attend a weekend retreat. The retreat gives the members an opportunity to get to know one another and identify their gifts and passions. Each vestry member is given the Vestry guidelines, which includes the Job of the Vestry, the Job of the Wardens, Treasurer, Clerk and Property Liaison. Vestry duties can be more complex, but they involve two important things: leadership and discernment. We discern how God might use our gifts at St. Martin’s. The Vestry members need to ask themselves, in light of these gifts and passions and the needs of this parish “what is God calling us to do?” Our hope is that together we can keep our eyes on God’s call and lead St. Martin’s to become what God needs us to be.
During the retreat, there may be a facilitator to discuss changes and/or improvements that the Vestry can make for the coming year. After the session with the facilitator, there is a Vestry meeting. At the Vestry meeting, the Senior Warden, the Junior Warden, the Treasurer and the Clerk are elected by the Vestry members. The Treasurer and Clerk can be selected outside of the Vestry members. Additional tasks that must be addressed will be the structure of the parish and if a member of the vestry will be assigned to assist one of the ministries by working with the ministry leader, a discussion regarding plans for improvements and plans on proposed projects or programs for the coming year.